Manual Clinic AdminThe manuals below are detailed and easy to follow. The ‘Roles of the team – diagram’ is a good place to start. You will be able to see the different roles people can have, and how those roles fit together when using the ZenaMed database. The roles could be performed by 4 different people, or by only one person – whichever suits your service best.
Role 1: Manual for the Purchaser – i.e. the person who pays for the breath samples (data credits) and allocates the credits to the different clinics in the service
Role 2: Manual for the Purchaser’s Administrator – i.e. the person who creates the clinics on the database
Role 3: Manual for the Clinic Administrator – i.e. the person who enters the client’s details into a clinic on the database and maintains the list of clients
Role 4: Manual for the Clinician – i.e. the person who treats the client with disulfiram and who is usually the client’s main supporter and monitor. The clinician (and other people if required) receives the daily breath sample results and is able to look at graphs, tables of results, and photographs of the client blowing into the Zenalyser®
To find out more about the Zenalyser®, please read the material below:
Clinical results (Word)
Clinical results (PDF)
“Very low cost intensive support and therapy for alcohol dependence using new technology.”
Technical aspects (Word)
Technical aspects (PDF)
“New technology to support abstinence from alcohol, predict relapse and reduce out-patient costs.”