Zenalyser® – remote use
Remote monitoring and support
One of the most important benefits of the Zenalyser® is the ability it provides to support and monitor a client every day. When a client takes a Zenalyser® home there is a quick and simple daily routine in order to provide a breath sample every day.
The client connects the Zenalyser® by a USB cable to a computer tablet – a ZenDroid. All of the instructions about switching the Zenalyser® on, providing the breath sample, and making sure that a good photograph is taken while they are blowing are provided on the ZenDroid tablet as soon as the Zenalyser® is connected.
It takes less than a minute for a client to provide the breath sample. The data is encrypted and sent automatically to a cloud-based system called the Zenalyser® Data Portal.
As soon as the data arrives at the Zenalyser® Data Portal a lot of things happen:
- feedback is immediately given to the client, consisting of an emoji with a message such as ‘Well done, good result’
- the clinician is informed that the client has provided a sample
- the sample results are sent by email or SMS to the clinician and any other person who is trying to support and help the client
- the daily results are stored in a table and a graph
- a daily photograph of the client blowing into the Zenalyser® is also stored
Once the clinician has received the it is possible to send a message back to the client – encouragement, information, advice, notice of a review appointment, a warning or anything else that would be helpful. It takes only a few minutes a week to effectively support and monitor the client.
This simple, quick daily routine can help maintain full compliance with disulfiram very effectively and at low cost.
Example of daily data received from a Zenalyser®
- therapeutic (good) reading = disulfiram metabolites green line above 5.0, alcohol red line below 5.0
- top graph = cumulative daily readings
- lower graph = latest single daily reading
To find out about using the Zenalyser® in clinic, go to Zenalyser® – clinic use
For more detailed information about the technology behind the Zenalyser® and its use in clinical practice, please go to Downloads – Information